Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let's Star With an Easy One - Bring Troops Home

This must have been how it went one year ago - OK, we're here!!! Let's get started, everyone. First things first...bring our troops home. What? What's that you say? World tyranny, religious fanatics, gender inequality, economic meltdown with little hope of recovery? Yes, they say. We MUST stay to fix them - to help them - to protect ourselves from Nigerians with jockey bombs. Oh. Well, I guess I see your point but shouldn't we just leave it in their very capable hands? No, they say! We must send more and more to continue to help - give it a few years - they'll come around. We are They Who Know Best. Okay.

Here is the solution - Do not make this any harder than it needs to be. Pull the plug. Make the call and bring everyone in to the office and tell them - it's over - we're done. Bring them home. That's phase one.

Phase Two: The billions of dollars that were being spent to keep an American presence in parts of the world where they are not needed or wanted will be spent to educate and train the soldiers. The excess will be used to create jobs where they can apply these new skills. Create the need - fill it. Simple rules of success.

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